Stats from your 4 month checkup:
Weight: 13lb 2oz (15%)
Length: 25 inches (52%)
Weight: 13lb 2oz (15%)
Length: 25 inches (52%)
You're in the same percentile as your last appt, so growing steadily at the right pace.
You had to get 4 shots today at your appt :( You did great - you definitely screamed while getting the shots but calmed down quickly afterwards. They were running almost an hour behind today and you were a trooper even though we blew straight through nap time.
You are wearing size 3-6month clothes and are definitely still tall and skinny. You get too long for your clothes way before you fill them out completley. You're in size 2 diapers, but I think we're close to moving up to size 3.
4 months is such a fun age! You are a social baby and love to chat and laugh with us. You are pretty happy and smiley 99% of the time. When you cry its usually with good reason. I'm hoping you are happy go lucky and relaxed like your Dad. When we are in big crowds or are out and about you just stare around quietly and take everything in. Every now and then you cry in a social setting if it gets too loud or if I laugh or talk too loud right by you....oops!
Last week, you rolled over from your back to you belly then back over again onto your back. You did it over and over again that night, but have only done it a few times since then. You try to roll over in your crib but usually only make it onto your side. I'm not looking forward to you rolling over in there - one more thing to make me paranoid about!
You love laying on your changing table and trying to grab your little feet and kick your legs while we change you. Yesterday you even started grabbing and banging around the things on your changing table. You grab you stroller toys and bring them straight to your mouth to chew. You usually have both of your hands or a toy shoved into your mouth ;)
You sleep in your crib for all of your naps and at night...sometimes you take your late morning nap in your stroller if I take you for a walk then. And sometimes you take your afternoon nap in the Ergo if I feel like socializing outside in the afternoon instead of sitting inside (sorry, buddy, mama has to stay sane)!
You also found your thumb recently and will suck on it to comfort yourself to sleep. I am actually so glad. We unintentionally weaned you off of your pacifier when we were letting you cry it out to sleep, so this is a good alternative. You always have your thumb but those pacifiers are so easy to lose.
I was so stressed last month about getting you on a schedule and, lo and behold, you put yourself on one...not because of anything I did, but just because you were old enough and were ready and probably because I decided to relax and let it go. Usually you eat at 6:30am, 9:30, 12:30, 3:30, 6, and 7:30or 8, then I feed you again before I go to bed at 10 or so (unless I fall asleep before that). Then you wake up once a night anytime between 1:30 and 5am - since the time is never the same, I usually give you 15 min or so to try to fall back asleep before feeding you. Every now and then you fall back asleep, but I think you are usually legitimately hungry. The Dr. said we should keep feeding you in the middle of the night until 6 months. At that point, if you aren't sleeping through on your own, we will do some sleep training.
You've gotten better at napping and will usually take a decently long nap in the early morning and early afternoon and a short nap in the late morning and late afternoon.
Austin and his girlfriend, Grace. Grace and Austin were born 8 days apart.
This month you got to meet most of the Darcy side of the family. Everyone flew in for Grandma Millie's service, so you had fun playing with all of your great aunts, uncles and 2nd cousins! In a few weeks, we are flying to Houston for work and to visit family , so you'll get to meet the Moffitt side soon! I'm a little nervous about flying with you, but you're quite the trooper and will probably do great.
We are so looking forward to your 5th month of life. I wish time didn't go by so fast, but it sure is fun watching you grow and discover the world around you. If only I could protect you and keep you innocent forever...
I love that you record his months like a baby book! Great idea! You will I'm sure Be happy to have it all recorded. Austin is a cutie!!